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WealthFit Contributor


4 Articles

When To Fire an Employee: Early Warning Signs & Action Steps

Deciding whether or not to fire an employee is not easy. Maintain empathy, but don’t let it trap you. Commit to a plan, whatever the conclusion.

When To Fire an Employee: Early Warning Signs & Action Steps
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Is Dave Ramsey’s “Debt Snowball Method” Right For You?

If you’ve accumulated debt before acquiring the habits necessary to repay it, the debt snowball may be for you.

Is Dave Ramsey’s “Debt Snowball Method” Right For You?
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Why You Need (At Least) a $1,000 Emergency Fund

How do you prepare for the unexpected? Cash savings will release you from the anxiety of the unpredictable.

Why You Need (At Least) a $1,000 Emergency Fund
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The Best Way to Consolidate Credit Card Debt

The best method of consolidating credit card debt is through a personal loan at a credit union. Get the best repayment terms.

The Best Way to Consolidate Credit Card Debt
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