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Director of Marketing at WealthFit


14 Articles

The Ultimate Guide to Productivity & The Economics of Time

We all want to feel like a productive person. We dream about it. We imagine being unstoppable. We imagine being accomplished. We imagine wowing those around us—while things seem to happen effortlessly. But is our dream realistic, or is it just a fantasy? Before you chase a golden goose, let’s pause to think about what… Read More »The Ultimate Guide to Productivity & The Economics of Time

The Ultimate Guide to Productivity & The Economics of Time
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Business Valuation: How Much is Your Business Worth?

Headlines like this make the budding entrepreneur salivate: February 2018: “Amazon acquires Ring for over $1 billion” May 2018: “Recruit Holdings acquires Glassdoor for $1.2 billion” August 2018: “Walmart purchases a 77% stake in Flipkart for $16 billion” We all know not every startup attracts the attention of a Fortune 500 buyer, just as not… Read More »Business Valuation: How Much is Your Business Worth?

Business Valuation: How Much is Your Business Worth?
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Personal Growth

6 Different Kinds of Car Insurance: Which is Right for You?

Personal Growth
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Stock Investing

The Beginner’s Guide to Successful Stock Investing

Stock Investing
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How to Write a Food Truck Business Plan [Template Included]

Starting a food truck? Learn how to write a business plan that will get you funding, co-founders, and more! Use our template to get started …

How to Write a Food Truck Business Plan [Template Included]
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6 Different Kinds of Car Insurance: Which is Right for You?

If you don’t know what your car insurance plan covers—now’s the time to find out. You’ll be surprised by how much you can save.

6 Different Kinds of Car Insurance: Which is Right for You?
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How To Find a Co-Founder You Like, Respect, and Trust With Your Life

Choosing the right cofounder can make or break your business. Find a cofounder that compliments your skill set and delivers skills that you lack.

How To Find a Co-Founder You Like, Respect, and Trust With Your Life
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How To Launch Your Business FAST by Creating a “Minimum Viable Product”

Don’t build the product of your dreams—build the product that solves your customer’s problem. Build an MVP to save time and resources.

How To Launch Your Business FAST by Creating a “Minimum Viable Product”
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How To Fail-Proof Your Business By Asking These Simple Customer Validation Questions

Use customer interviews to validate demand for your product or business. Save time and gain insights by interviewing potential customers.

How To Fail-Proof Your Business By Asking These Simple Customer Validation Questions
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The 5-Step Process for Rapidly Onboarding a New Employee

Your employees are your most valuable asset. Protect your investment in them with an effective and efficient onboarding process.

The 5-Step Process for Rapidly Onboarding a New Employee
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How To Start a Company That’s Successful, Scalable, & Sellable

Starting a business is easier than you think. Start with a clear vision and follow the proven WealthFit Startup Strategy.

How To Start a Company That’s Successful, Scalable, & Sellable
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The Beginner’s Guide to Successful Stock Investing

A stock is simply a piece of ownership in a company. But the stock market is a complex environment.

The Beginner’s Guide to Successful Stock Investing
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How To Budget Effectively … Even If You’re Bad With Numbers

People who fear budgets don’t understand them. Budgeting is about psychology, not accounting. Budget to be happier and more productive.

How To Budget Effectively … Even If You’re Bad With Numbers
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The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Leader

Leaders are a practical necessity, and the keepers of a team’s vision and morale. Practice leadership in every part of your life.

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Leader
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