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WealthFit Contributor


10 Articles

How to Write A Goodwill Letter That WORKS [Templates Included]

Is a late payment hurting your credit score? There’s good news: you write a goodwill letter and ask the creditor to take it off your credit history.

How to Write A Goodwill Letter That WORKS [Templates Included]
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How Much You (Really) Should Save Each Month 

Learn how much you need to save each month—if you want to get ahead. If you can’t save 20% of your income . . . you need to make more money!

How Much You (Really) Should Save Each Month 
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14 Organizations That Pay Medical Bills (Medical Debt Relief)

Discover organizations that can help you pay off your medical debt and learn how to avoid racking up unnecessary medical debt in the first place.

14 Organizations That Pay Medical Bills (Medical Debt Relief)
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Do You Have Too Much Student Debt? Use This Rule To Figure It Out

Learn how to calculate if you have too much student loan debt and how to permanently lower your student loan debt.

Do You Have Too Much Student Debt? Use This Rule To Figure It Out
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How To Do A Balance Transfer That Saves You Money

Learn how to do a balance transfer that lowers your interest rate, saves you money, boosts your credit score, and gets you out of debt fast.

How To Do A Balance Transfer That Saves You Money
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How To Balance Your Portfolio — Using Businesses, Commodities, Paper Assets, & Real Estate

Learn what a WealthFit balanced portfolio is and how to balance yours with businesses, paper, commodities, and real estate

How To Balance Your Portfolio — Using Businesses, Commodities, Paper Assets, & Real Estate
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Stock Options For Employees Explained

Learn what employee stock options and how to take advantage of them. Also, learn how they differ from restricted stock units (RSUs).

Stock Options For Employees Explained
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The BIG Difference Between a Roth IRA & a Traditional IRA

IRAs are great ways to save for retirement. But this one difference will determine whether or you want a Traditional or a Roth IRA.

The BIG Difference Between a Roth IRA & a Traditional IRA
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10 Low-Cost Alternatives to Cable TV

Cutting your cable bill is an easy way to save tons of money. If you have home internet you already have access to on demand entertainment.

10 Low-Cost Alternatives to Cable TV
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When “Penny Hoarding” Goes Wrong …

Saving money is great—but not if it costs you something more valuable: your time.

When “Penny Hoarding” Goes Wrong …
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