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WealthFit Contributor


12 Articles

Check Yourself: Keep a Work Checklist & Up Your Productivity

Do you want to quit making mistakes? Are you highly motivated to get more done? Would you like to take your professional life to the next level? It’s time to make a work checklist.What do pilots, surgeons, and top investors all have in common? They rely on checklists to perform better at their jobs. While checklists… Read More »Check Yourself: Keep a Work Checklist & Up Your Productivity

Check Yourself: Keep a Work Checklist & Up Your Productivity
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The Road Map to You: Find the Best Version of Yourself

All too often, we fall into a trap. We imagine that happiness lies outside ourselves. We think we’ll find happiness like buried treasure–in the right relationship, in a new home, in a better a tax bracket. But what you’re looking for isn’t a partner or a raise or big house. What you’re looking for is… Read More »The Road Map to You: Find the Best Version of Yourself

The Road Map to You: Find the Best Version of Yourself
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Are You a Restaurant Server? Here’s How To Budget When You Work for Tips

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Give Back & Get Back: How to Maximize Your Charity Tax Deductible Donation

Learn how tax deductible donations can reduce your taxes, how tax laws affect charitable tax deductions, and what you can do to maximize during tax time.

Give Back & Get Back: How to Maximize Your Charity Tax Deductible Donation
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Get SMART: How to Achieve Your Goals with a Long-Term Mindset

You have goals. Maybe you’ve had them for years—but they aren’t doing you any good collecting dust in a journal. Time to get things done.

Get SMART: How to Achieve Your Goals with a Long-Term Mindset
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Pillow Talk: How Sleeping Well Can Boost Your Productivity & Save Your Life

Think you can survive without sleep? Dream on. It’s time to face the reality of sleep deprivation and change your life for the better.

Pillow Talk: How Sleeping Well Can Boost Your Productivity & Save Your Life
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Stay Safe & Save: 6 Types of Insurance That Waste Your Money

Insurance keeps us safe, but we want our money to be safe too. Here are 6 instances when insurance is a waste of money.

Stay Safe & Save: 6 Types of Insurance That Waste Your Money
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Do You Have the Best 401(k) Plan? Double-Check Your Fees …

If you don’t know what your 401(k) fees are, you’re probably leaving money on the table. Don’t let the fees kill your nest egg.

Do You Have the Best 401(k) Plan? Double-Check Your Fees …
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Pack Your Lunch, Pack Your Wallet: How To Save Money on Lunch at Work

Packing your lunch is an easy way to save thousands a year. Learn how to save money on lunch by packing your food — and sticking with it.

Pack Your Lunch, Pack Your Wallet: How To Save Money on Lunch at Work
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Are You a Restaurant Server? Here’s How To Budget When You Work for Tips

Learn how to budget when you work for tips. How to take control of your finances in the service industry.

Are You a Restaurant Server? Here’s How To Budget When You Work for Tips
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7 Easy Ways to Build Your Credit Score

Here are 7 important ways to raise your credit score to new heights. Use these credit tactics to go from zero to hero.

7 Easy Ways to Build Your Credit Score
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How to Lead Employees to Greatness: Your (Hormonal) Strategy for Success

Consider and stimulate (the right) hormones for your team. Embrace leadership tactics that foster healthy hormonal teams.

How to Lead Employees to Greatness: Your (Hormonal) Strategy for Success
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