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4 Articles

6 Requirements for a SBA 504 Loan

Learn the 6 requirements of a SBA 504 Loan for entrepreneurs to fund real estate purchases, including buildings and land. Plus, learn ways to boost your business credit score.

6 Requirements for a SBA 504 Loan
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Pay For Delete: How to Remove Collections From Your Credit Report

Learn how to use a pay for delete letter to remove negative items on your credit report. Also, discover pay for delete templates you can utilize to improve your credit score.

Pay For Delete: How to Remove Collections From Your Credit Report
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4 Ways To Get a Derogatory Mark Off Your Credit Report

Discover what derogatory marks are, how they drag down your credit score, and how to get them removed from your credit report.

4 Ways To Get a Derogatory Mark Off Your Credit Report
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What Is A Personal Guarantee?

Learn why you probably shouldn’t sign a “personal guarantee” for a business loan . . . and 4 things you can do instead to unlock serious funding.

What Is A Personal Guarantee?
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