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Founder of Key2 Homes


6 Articles

Right Refusal in Real Estate Explained

Discover what right of first refusal in real estate is and how it can be advantageous to both buyers and sellers.

Right Refusal in Real Estate Explained
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What is a Freehold Estate?

Learn why a freehold estate is advantageous for homeowners and real estate investors alike. Plus, learn what a non freehold estate is.

What is a Freehold Estate?
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How to Lower Your Loan To Value (LTV) Ratio

Learn what a loan to value ratio is and how to calculate it. Plus, learn how to lower your loan to value ratio so that you can secure a mortgage loan.

How to Lower Your Loan To Value (LTV) Ratio
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The Ultimate Guide to Restrictive Covenants in Real Estate

Discover what restrictive covenants are, and why they can be a red flag for real estate investors and homeowners.

The Ultimate Guide to Restrictive Covenants in Real Estate
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Earnest Money vs. Down Payment: What’s the Difference?

Learn what earnest money is, how it differs from a downpayment, and whether or not it’s refundable.

Earnest Money vs. Down Payment: What’s the Difference?
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When To Use An Escalation Clause — And When Not To

Learn how an escalation clause can give you an advantage to winning a real estate property in a bidding war. Also, find out when it’s advantageous to use one, and when it’s best to not use an escalation clause.

When To Use An Escalation Clause — And When Not To
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