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WealthFit Contributor


13 Articles

Everything You Need to Know About Insurance

Insurance. You have to have it, right? One of the first things you learn about #adulting is that responsible grown-ups have insurance. At least, that’s what people say. But here’s a secret: Like most things involving money, tons of people think they know what they’re talking about. And they don’t.Insurance can be hugely important. In… Read More »Everything You Need to Know About Insurance

Everything You Need to Know About Insurance
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The Ultimate List Of Tax-Advantaged Accounts

No matter how you feel about taxes, you have to pay them. But you want to owe as little as possible keeping more money in your pocket, right? Using tax-advantaged savings accounts for your investments can help you do just that. Taxable savings or investment accounts—like traditional savings accounts, money markets, CD’s, brokerage accounts—require you… Read More »The Ultimate List Of Tax-Advantaged Accounts

The Ultimate List Of Tax-Advantaged Accounts
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Credit Cards for Kids: How to Jump-Start Your Kid’s Credit Score

Did your parents warn you about credit cards? Did they say something like . . . “not until you’re older!” They had good intentions, but there’s a better way to handle children and credit today. The solution to financial ignorance is education; not prolonged ignorance. The earlier your kids learn about credit and start building it, the better. Let’s… Read More »Credit Cards for Kids: How to Jump-Start Your Kid’s Credit Score

Credit Cards for Kids: How to Jump-Start Your Kid’s Credit Score
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How Do Annuities Work?

Learn everything you need to know about this investment option — including why probably shouldn’t buy one.

How Do Annuities Work?
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Credit Card APR—Everything You Need To Know

Discover everything you need to know about Credit Card Annual Percentage Rates (APR). Plus, learn how to calculate your interest payments.

Credit Card APR—Everything You Need To Know
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11 Rules For Marrying Someone With Student Loan Debt

Learn 11 rules to follow when marrying someone with student loan debt. Don’t let debt ruin your relationship—work towards a debt-free future.

11 Rules For Marrying Someone With Student Loan Debt
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The Safest Way To Invest Your Emergency Fund

Learn how to save your emergency fund from inflation by investing it.

The Safest Way To Invest Your Emergency Fund
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How To Calculate Opportunity Cost: The Hidden Cost Of Every Decision

Learn how to calculate the opportunity cost of any transaction—and find how much you’re really paying. (It’s more than you think!)

How To Calculate Opportunity Cost: The Hidden Cost Of Every Decision
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How to Achieve an Exponential Mindset

Learn how to stop thinking linearly, and start thinking exponentially — so you can start thinking bigger … and growing faster.

How to Achieve an Exponential Mindset
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Inflation Explained: 10 Ways to Protect Your Retirement From Inflation

What is inflation? Learn how inflation can hurt your purchasing power in this guide. Also, discover 10 simple ways you can protect your retirement from inflation.

Inflation Explained: 10 Ways to Protect Your Retirement From Inflation
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The Magic of Stock Index Funds: How To Consistently Grow Your Retirement Fund [With Less Risk]

To most people the stock market feels like gambling. But stock index funds have consistently outperformed most actively managed funds.

The Magic of Stock Index Funds: How To Consistently Grow Your Retirement Fund [With Less Risk]
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You’re Paying Too Much: 7 Bills You Can Negotiate to Save Big

Stop overpaying for things you can negotiate. A small amount of negotiating can turn into real long-term savings.

You’re Paying Too Much: 7 Bills You Can Negotiate to Save Big
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How To Immediately Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

Odds are you’re overpaying for your cell phone BIG TIME. Learn how to get that bill lowered in just a few steps.

How To Immediately Lower Your Cell Phone Bill
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