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The Best 19 Real Estate Courses For New And Experienced Investors

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Do you want to be a successful real estate investor?

Not just a real estate investor — but a successful one.

Anyone can flip a house, buy a rental property, or try their hand at creative financing … but not everyone can do this successfully by making a profit.

The difference between those who profit and those who incur losses is simple: education.

Talk to some of the most successful investors in your local area today, and you’re likely to find out they’re a lot like you

Chances are, they started with very little money, construction knowledge, or prior real estate experience.

Successful investors have used real estate courses and real estate training to learn exactly what they need to know to do a successful real estate deal.

They understood how profitable real estate can be, but also understood the risk involved, and used education through real estate courses and real estate coaching to reduce that risk.

Here at WealthFit, we specialize in offering real estate courses (and other financial education) to help you invest in real estate, including:

  • How to get started in real estate with your very first deal
  • Types of real estate investing you can choose from
  • How to find real estate deals
  • How to obtain funding, such as other people’s money, for real estate deals
  • Understanding how to close a real estate deal — and the paperwork involved
  • How real estate investors save money on their taxes
  • And more

In this article, we’ll provide real estate courses and real estate coaching for each of these topics, taught by proven and successful real estate investors around the United States.

Regardless of where you are in your real estate business — getting started or having already funded multiple deals — these courses will arm you with the education to become a successful real estate investor.

Let’s get started!

Real Estate Investing: Getting Started

Getting Started With Your First Deal

The hardest part of becoming a real estate investor can be the first step: how do you get started?

More importantly, how can you get started and become successful … not fail?

You can find answers in the real estate course “Real Estate Investing 101: The Guide to Your First Investment Deal”.

Taught by professional real estate investor Elisa Stabile, who was featured on a full season of A&E’s “Flipping San Diegothe real estate course provides a step-by-step guide on how to dive into your very first real estate investment deal … and come out successful.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • Which path of real estate investing is best for you
  • the differences between active investing and passive investing
  • Understanding ethics and compliance in the real estate industry

If you are looking for a beginner’s course on real estate investing, watch the real estate coaching here.

How To Start Your Own Real Estate Investing Business

Did you know that real estate has produced more millionaires than any other type of investment?

But it’s not without risk.  

In the real estate business, one mistake can cost you several thousand dollars — or more — and set you back months of your hard-earned time.

So how can you avoid these costly mistakes?

By creating a strong educational foundation that helps you minimize risk and maximize your potential.

You can learn this, and more, in “Start Your Own Real Estate Investing Business: How to Flip Houses & Buy Rental Properties for a Living”, taught by Founder and CEO of Fortune Builders Than Merrill.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • The mindset of a multi-millionaire real estate investor
  • How to leverage other people’s money to invest in real estate
  • The 7-step process (used in more than 500+ successful investment deals!) for successfully buying, fixing, and flipping an investment property
  • Specific ways you can avoid getting overwhelmed by the entire process

Watch the real estate course here.

How To Get Started in Real Estate Part-Time

What if you’re not ready to give up the safety of your day job, but you’re still interested in the benefits real estate investing offers?

Is part-time real estate investing even possible?

You can start out as a part-time real estate investor. In fact, many of today’s most successful real estate investors started out that way.

Professional real estate investor Mary Anschutz teaches how to get started real estate investing — while keeping your day job — in “Part-Time Real Estate Investing: How To Get Started in Real Estate in Your Spare Time”.

In the real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • how today’s top investors are flipping houses and buying rental properties even with full-time jobs
  • How to leverage other people’s experience to learn more about real estate investing
  • productivity hacks to start maximizing your valuable time

If you’re interested in part-time real estate investing, you can watch this real estate course here.

Types of Real Estate Investing

Now that you know how to get started investing in real estate, the next step is to determine which type of real estate you want to invest in.

What makes real estate investing different from other forms of investing is that there are multiple ways to invest.

You can choose an option you prefer, or add multiple types to your real estate portfolio.

These types include:

  • Fixing & Flipping
  • Rental properties
  • Foreclosure investing
  • Virtual investing
  • Wholesaling

We’ll look at each type of real estate investment next.

Rehabbing and Flipping Houses

Gain the Confidence to Fearlessly Flip Houses

If you’re finding it difficult to pull the trigger on a real estate deal, or you’re full of anxiety, the problem lies in your mindset.

Taught by Ammon Brimhall, an award-winning real estate coach and educator, “Fearless Flipping: How to Conquer Stress & Gain the Confidence to Close Your Next Investment Deal” will teach you to identify what’s holding you back — and how to become a fearless and successful investor.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • How to adopt a growth mindset so you can invest with confidence
  • mind hacks that successful real estate investors use to overcome challenges — and how you can do the same
  • How to findrecruit, and learn from experienced investors to review your investment decisions
  • How to build goals so that your strategies and tactics are always moving your forward

Watch the real estate course here.

Rehabbing 101: Fixing & Flipping Your First House

Have you wanted to flip a piece of real estate, but you’ve been hesitant because you don’t have the construction experience, the money, or you have no idea where to start?

There’s a solution for each of these challenges: education.

Real Estate Rehabbing 101: 7 Steps to Fixing & Flipping Your First House” provides this exact education, taught by professional real estate investor and contractor Shawn Tiberio.

In this real estate coaching course, you’ll learn step by step:

  • How to buy, remodel, and sell houses using a proven system
  • How to find and acquire the perfect “fixer-upper” property in your local area
  • How to make “high-ROI” improvements to the property that will enhance your resale value
  • How to manage the entire renovation process so that it’s completed on-time and on-budget

So if you’re ready to fix and flip your first real estate deal, you can find the real estate course here.

Rental Properties

Rental Properties 101: How To Buy Your First Cash-flowing Rental

Do you want to invest in rental properties, but don’t want to deal with the headaches that come with them … such as the tenants, or repairing items that break? Maybe you want to invest but your budget is tight at the moment.

Here’s the good news. 

You don’t have to deal with tenants, handle repairs, or actually see a rental property in person. Nor does it require a major capital investment … or even prior real estate experience!

Here’s what investing in rental properties does require: a system for finding the right rental properties, putting quality management in place, and structuring “hands-off” real estate deals that deliver income each and every month.

This is all explained in “Rental Properties 101: How To Buy Your First Cash-flowing Rental (The Right Way)”, taught by real estate investor Deslyn O’Dell.

In this real estate coaching course, you’ll learn:

  • key factors to consider in finding and acquiring rental properties
  • How to protect your investments against low liquidity, depreciation, and the struggles of landlording
  • How to accurately determine your profit-potential on any rental property you find

If you want to invest in rental properties, you can watch this real estate course here.

Foreclosure Investing

How To Profit From Foreclosures While Helping Those In Need

There’s potential in foreclosure investing rarely found in other forms of investing.

Foreclosed properties provide great opportunities to build a business and to help others turn a bad situation into a good one.

But before you get started investing in foreclosed properties, you have to know exactly what you’re doing.

You can learn this in “Foreclosure Investing: 4 Unique Ways To Profit From This Proven Investment Niche”, taught by real estate investor Ammon Brimhall.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • the entire foreclosure process, from beginning to end
  • useful methods to secure money-making deals on the foreclosure market
  • How to stay ethical and in compliance with the laws
  • The judicial vs. non-judicial foreclosure process
  • How you can help people in the process

If you’re interested in foreclosure investing, watch the real estate course here.

Virtual Investing

How To Find, Remodel and Sell Houses Virtually

Maybe you don’t live in a hot real estate market, such as Austin, TX, Orlando, FL, or Atlanta, GA.

But you can still invest as if you were there — virtually.

Plus, you can virtually invest during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Because of the growth of the internet, you’re no longer limited by your local area, your busy schedule, or your lack of real estate experience.

To invest virtually, all you need is a phone, an internet connection, and the powerful online training course “Virtual Investing: How To Find, Remodel & Sell Houses In Remote Real Estate Markets” that’s an absolute “must have” if you’re even remotely interested in investing in real estate in the next few years.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • How to find the hottest real estate markets in the country and gain access to great real estate deals quickly in those markets
  • How to invest in lower-priced markets
  • How to estimating repairs, and other costs virtually
  • How to find high-quality buyers and tenants for any investment property across the country

Watch the real estate course here.


How to Get Started as A Real Estate Investor

You may be a new investor looking for where to start, or you may be an active investor looking for the next deal.

Either way, “wholesaling” may be what you’re looking for. 

Have you heard of wholesaling before?

With wholesaling, you’re contracting on a property, not buying it. Then, you flip the contract for a profit.

Real estate wholesaling is often considered the best strategy for new investors because
It’s relatively fast, it’s relatively safe, and you don’t need much money … if any.

Real Estate Wholesaling 101: How to Get Started as A Real Estate Investor” will teach you the core concepts of wholesaling in a single evening.

In this real estate coaching course, you’ll learn:

  • Exactly what wholesaling is
  • How to gather lead information, calculate the value of a property, and determine whether there’s money to be made … or not
  • Little-known methods for locating “hidden value” real estate deals in your neighborhood without talking to an agent
  • How to calculate the maximum amount you should offer on a property

If you’re ready to get started wholesaling, watch the real estate training here.

Finding Real Estate Deals

Next, we’ll explore how you can find the best real estate deal.

How To Find Great Investment Properties

Ever wonder how real estate investors actually find all the low-cost, high-profit deals they invest in?

Wouldn’t it be nice to know a few of their secrets so that you can take advantage of these deals too?

You can in the real estate course “Real Estate Lead Generation: 17 Ways to Find Great Investment Properties”.

There are dozens of discounted investment properties available in your area that you can either flip for profit or rent out for passive monthly income.

You just need to know how to find them.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • 17 strategies, such as Bandit Signs, Fire-Damaged Properties, Estate Sales, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads, Referrals from Property Managers
  • Access the top 50 MLS keywords for real estate investors to identify great deals
  • And more!

Watch the real estate course here.

Direct Mail Marketing: Time-Tested Strategies for Consistent Leadflow

In today’s digital age, where marketing through the internet and social media takes precedence, there is a proven powerful marketing technique that is often overlooked.

Successful real estate investors will tell you that the majority of real estate leads come from this overlooked strategy.

Even better, it’s cheap and easy to systematize!

Direct Mail Marketing: Time-Tested Strategies for Consistent Leadflow” will show you how to build a scalable direct mail marketing system, step by step.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • How to acquire HOT leads through a targeted local mailing list
  • How to write the 6 key components of a direct mail letter
  • How to utilize lead follow-up services to turn your leads into deals

If you’re ready to master direct mail and put your leadflow on autopilot, watch the real estate course here.

Finding Your Next Great Investment Property on The Multiple Listing Service

The Multiple Listing Service, or the MLS, is a tool that can help buyers find exactly what they’re looking for.

But only licensed real estate agents have access to the MLS.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use it for your real estate investment business?

You can!

Unlocking the MLS: How to Pinpoint Your Next Great Investment Property on The Multiple Listing Service” shows how you can gain access to this tool and how to use it to find the most opportunities.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • what the MLS can do for your real estate investing endeavors
  • How to hone in on your search so you always find the right properties
  • How to analyze a property so that you make a reasonable offer

Watch the real estate course here.

How to Analyze a Real Estate Deal

Most successful real estate investors agree that your success in real estate will come from one thing.

It’s not going to come from having lots of experience, credibility, cash or even good people-skills.

It comes from knowing how to buy the right piece of real estate at the right price.

This is why you need to understand how much to buy the property for, how much to sell the property for, and how much profit you’re going to make … before you do the deal.

Analyzing a Real Estate Deal: How To Run the Numbers On Any Property & Know If You’ve Got a Deal” will teach you exactly this.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • the proven 3-step process to accurately estimate repairs and determine your profit on any house — in advance
  • How to spot and avoid red flags in any deal
  • How to stay organized while you quickly vet deals of a deal, whether it’s in person or over the phone

If you’re interested in learning how to analyze a real estate deal, you can watch the real estate course here.

Funding Your Real Estate Deals

Next we’ll explore how to fund your real estate deals using different options.

How to Raise Private Money for Your Real Estate Investments

Wouldn’t it be great if you had all the money you needed to buy any great investment property that comes your way?

This isn’t a far-fetched fantasy.

There are over 15 million millionaires in the U.S. currently searching for great places to invest their money, many who are actively funding real estate deals — for people like you.

They’re called “private money lenders,” and they’re easier to work with than banks. Also, they can fund quickly.

Additionally, they couldn’t care less if your credit score is in the dumps.

All they care about is getting a great return on their money.

How do you find these lenders?

How can you earn their trust?

And how can you secure all the funding you need for your next real estate deal?

You can find answers to all of these questions, and more, in “Unlimited Funding: How to Raise Private Money for Your Real Estate Investments” taught by Founder & CEO of FortuneBuilders Than Merrill.

In this real estate coaching course, you’ll learn:

  • the step-by-step process that the nation’s most successful investors use to consistently secure private money to fund their real estate deals
  • Where to find potential lenders in your local area
  • How to build trust and rapport with a potential lender quickly
  • how to explain the closing procedure in detail to make the investment process 100% clear to your lender

If you’re ready to find unlimited funding for your real estate deals, watch this real estate course here.

Bank Lines of Credit: How to Get Cheap Money from Local Banks and Use It to Invest in Real Estate

If you don’t want to use a private money lender, there is another option.

You can use bank lines of credit, where you can find low-interest rates and build valuable relationships.

This is exactly what Paul Esajian, Founder & CFO of FortuneBuilders, teaches in “Bank Lines of Credit: How to Get Cheap Money from Local Banks and Use It to Invest in Real Estate”.

In this real estate coaching course, you’ll learn:

  • How to get the lowest rates from banks
  • Specific banks that are the best and easiest to work with
  • The exact things you will need to bring to a meeting with the bank
  • Lines of credit and loan opportunities that you can take advantage of

If you’re interested in using bank lines of credit to fund your investment deals, you can watch the real estate course here.

Closing A Real Estate Deal

Next, we’ll look at how you can close a real estate deal the right way.

Real Estate Contracts: Mastering the Purchase and Sale Agreement

Contracts are complicated.

Stacks of paper, hard to understand language, anxiety for what you’re signing your name to …

If you want to be a successful real estate investor, you need to know how to read the contracts.

How can you do that?

Real estate investor Deslyn O’Dell teaches how to go line-by-line through the most common real estate investing contracts in the real estate course “Real Estate Contracts: Mastering the Purchase and Sale Agreement”.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • the 5 key clauses that must be included in a contract for it to be legally binding
  • How to understand the 30 sections of purchase and sale agreements
  • How to spot red flags in the contract
  • How to add additional agreements and contingencies to your contracts

If you’re ready to learn how to master a real estate contract, watch the real estate course here.

Closing a Real Estate Deal: 9 Steps to Get You from Signed Contract to Closing Table

Whether you are buying or selling a house, if you’re closing a real estate deal, you need to understand the key stepsparties, and vocabulary used in the process.

If not, a mistake in this area can be costly.

If you have any questions about the closing process, whether it’s a few or the process as a whole, you can find answers in the real estate course “Closing a Real Estate Deal: 9 Steps to Get You from Signed Contract to Closing Table”.

In the real estate coaching course, you’ll learn:

  • The common terms and components used in every closing
  • How to perform due diligence that’ll keep your risk low and your profits high
  • What is title insurance and why you need it
  • how to review your closing statement (before you sign) to make sure everything is accounted for and credited properly

If you want to close a real estate deal with confidence and accuracy, watch the real estate training course here.

Tax Strategies For Your Real Estate Business

Real Estate Tax Strategy: How to Minimize Your Tax Impact as An Investor

Did you know that a real estate business could help you save money on your taxes?

It’s true!

You just have to know how.

Taught by Paul Esajian, Founder & CFO of FortuneBuilders, “Real Estate Tax Strategy: How to Minimize Your Tax Impact as An Investor” teaches tax savings secrets that the wealthiest and most successful real estate investors utilize to save money on taxes.

In this real estate course, you’ll learn:

  • How to structure your business entity for the best tax-savings purposes
  • How to find a top Certified Public Accountant (CPA) that you can create a relationship with
  • Common deductions you and your business could be receiving

If you’re ready to reduce your taxes and keep more of the money you make, you can watch this real estate course here.

Bonus Course: Real Estate Showcase

Watching others teach about real estate investing step by step can help you understand the process more … and boost your confidence.

But wouldn’t it be great if you could watch a real estate investment deal in progress to increase your education? 

Here’s the good news: you can!

The real estate course “Creative Real Estate Investing Showcase: Behind-the-Scenes on 3 Unique Investment Deals” consists of successful real estate investment deals taught by multiple trainers who specialize in different markets and property types.

In this real estate coaching course, you’ll learn:

  • a creative real estate deal structure in progress, such as a subject to
  • how seasoned investors deal with challenges so that you know exactly what to do if you come across them
  • How to build confidence so that you too can utilize these strategies in your next investment deal

Watch the real estate course here.

Real Estate Course Education

Congratulations! Not everyone seeks to further their education through real estate courses and real estate coaching.

It’s the difference between making a profit or losing your investment — and we’re glad that you decided to take the time to understand the real estate investing process more.

You’ve learned so much, including:

  • How to get started with your first real estate deal
  • Types of real estate investing and which one is right for you
  • How to find real estate deals in your local area
  • How to obtain funding for your real estate deals
  • How important closing a real estate deal is
  • Tax strategies associated with a real estate investing business

Successful real estate investors will tell you that even though they are growing their investing education all the time, the learning never stops. 

Because of this, feel free to revisit any of these courses above throughout your real estate investing journey.

Or, if you’re looking for more courses, you can view our real estate course library right here.

We would love to know how these real estate courses have helped you. Let us know by dropping us a line on Facebook, or email us at!

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Than Merrill
Founder & CEO of FortuneBuilders
Founder & CEO of FortuneBuilders and CT Homes, Than is one of the most successful real estate investors in the nation. He has bought and sold hundreds of properties nationwide during his investing career and he founded FortuneBuilders with the simple idea of sharing his knowledge and passion for real estate with aspiring investors. As a graduate of Yale University and a former NFL player, Than attributes his success in sports, business and investing to coaching, education and systems.
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Than Merrill
Founder & CEO of FortuneBuilders
Founder & CEO of FortuneBuilders and CT Homes, Than is one of the most successful real estate investors in the nation. He has bought and sold hundreds of properties nationwide during his investing career and he founded FortuneBuilders with the simple idea of sharing his knowledge and passion for real estate with aspiring investors. As a graduate of Yale University and a former NFL player, Than attributes his success in sports, business and investing to coaching, education and systems.