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Why RV Parks Became Our Real Estate Sweet Spot

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That’s how we hit the jackpot when we stumbled into the RV park investment niche!

What Made Me Fall in Love with RV Parks

Because of the promise of higher yields and less hassle in RV Parks than your run-of-the-mill properties, we were hooked from the get-go. 

With some creativity and strategic thinking, we knew these parks could become awesome and vibrant communities that people would love, boosting their value and appeal.

Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is

When we snagged our initial RV park, the first thing we did was attend an event for RV Park owners where we experienced a crash course in running these types of properties. It helped us make smart upgrades that gave the place a facelift and made it more functional and attractive.

We also focused on creating a real sense of community, adding amenities that brought people together. Those insights, and our subsequent change, have increased the property’s overall profit.

The Freedom to Live Life on My Terms

At the end of the day, the lifestyle freedom that comes with RV parks is what really sealed the deal for us. The semi-passive income means I can enjoy flexibility that’s hard to find in traditional real estate.

It’s the perfect setup for anyone looking to strike that elusive balance between their personal life and their business goals.

If you’re also thinking about investing in RV parks, here are a few nuggets of wisdom to get started:

  • Location is King: Scout out spots that are a stone’s throw from popular tourist haunts or major highways. A prime location can be the difference between a packed park and tumbleweeds.
  • Start Small: If you’re new to the game, kick things off with a smaller, more manageable park. That way, you can learn the ropes without getting in over your head.
  • Create a Community: Think cozy fire pits and picnic areas – spaces that bring folks together. Happy campers are repeat campers.
  • Upgrade with Purpose: Focus on improvements that give you the most bang for your buck. Sparkling bathrooms, lightning-fast Wi-Fi, and well-manicured grounds can work wonders for your park’s appeal.
  • Aiming High

    We’re not content with our current success. We plan to expand our portfolio of RV parks and may even launch a real estate investment fund focused on this sector.

    This will give others the chance to invest in this unconventional but lucrative niche!

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    Patrick Bisson
    Real Estate Investor
    Originally from Montreal, Patrick Bisson is a seasoned real estate professional in the U.S., known for his expertise in marketing, sales, and hospitality. Renowned for his integrity and dedication, Patrick’s approach to real estate and client satisfaction reflects his deep commitment to excellence. His inspiring journey and professional insights are showcased in his book.
    Avatar photo
    Patrick Bisson
    Real Estate Investor
    Originally from Montreal, Patrick Bisson is a seasoned real estate professional in the U.S., known for his expertise in marketing, sales, and hospitality. Renowned for his integrity and dedication, Patrick’s approach to real estate and client satisfaction reflects his deep commitment to excellence. His inspiring journey and professional insights are showcased in his book.